Monday, November 9, 2015

What I Watched -- Mr. Holmes

A long way back, I went to see Mr. Holmes.  (Which I'm sure is long since out of theaters.)

In any case, Ian McKellen, who plays the titular character, is wonderful as usual. The film is about the relationship between Holmes and the son of his housekeeper, through which you learn about Holmes's past. But the only other character of emotional significance is the housekeeper, played by Laura Linney, who is wonderful as usual. (I feel like I'm repeating myself.) McKellen and Linney, as the heavies, are well-matched. The boy does a fine job, but it's an easy one, and as a consequence he is somewhat foregettable. 

Bottom line: not your typical biopic due largely to the lack of plot, but the enjoyable characters make up for the meandering story.

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