I'm curious about what it is that happens in your brain that makes you mess up something which is totally routine, and which you've done hundreds of times before. Allow me to illustrate:
I get in my car probably at least 4 times a day (to and from rowing, to and from work), plus any errands I have to run, etc. So, let's say I average 6 times a day. I've had my car for about three and a half years. That equals approximately 7,665 times I've gotten into my car. Since the date I bought it, I have used a key fob (actually the big part of my car key) to unlock the car before getting in. In fact, I've done it so often that I really don't even think about it anymore. When I'm approaching the car, I hit "unlock" twice (to unlock all the doors, so I can put my stuff in the back seat), and proceed with my departure. This is all normal.
Until it's not normal anymore. The other day, I was walking to my car. I wasn't unusually overburdened with packages or groceries, but somehow I neglected to unlock any of the doors during my approach to the car. I walked right up to the driver's door an tried to open it, but it wouldn't open. The unlocking process is so automatic that it took me a second to realize that I'd forgotten to do it, and that the problem was not (as I'd thought in that split second) that my door was frozen shut due to the cold weather.
Why did this happen? Was I just distracted? Was I experiencing, as K is wont to do, mental fibrillation? Does this happen to anyone else? Am I crazy? Okay, don't answer that last one. But if you have answers to any of the others, I'd appreciate them!