Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Goal #42

Goal #42: clothing deliveries.

I got at least part of the way through my closet picking out stuff to get rid of.  I'm planning to deliver it to two places, and hopefully I can make that happen this week.  Neither one is too far from my work, so I just need to find 20 minutes here or there - but sometimes that can be harder than it sounds.

Recap of goal #40: yes, I've been having a ton of fun.  I raced in my second bike race of the season yesterday (and only crashed once!), I've been spending some quality time with G&G, enjoying the weather at it turns to autumn, and listening to lots of good music.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Random Links

Suggestions for a literary road trip.

Not your typical fancy plates.

Staying happy during the Polar Night.

How bikes built America.

What happens when you leave your body to science.

New uses for old architecture.

Monday, October 5, 2015

What I'm Reading Now -- The Emerald Mile

Dad and D gave me a copy of The Emerald Mile last Christmas, in preparation for our upcoming trip to the Grand Canyon.  It took me a while to get started on it (as you can tell, since it is way past Christmas), but I took it on my climbing trip a couple of weeks ago and turned the first few pages.

Now I don't want to stop.  I have been sucked it already, and am fighting a battle between the obligations in my life and reading this book.  If you hear about the book again soon, you'll know the book won.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Goal #40

Goal #40: life is short.

Am I the only one who noticed that I have taken an unannounced break from blogging?  Perhaps.

However, I have been having loads of fun in the meantime. I rode my bike, cyclocross season started, Mom came to visit, Dad came to visit, I went rock climbing (outside! on real rocks!), I went to Memphis, I went to a Cardinal's game or two.  All in all, it's been a blast.

I will get back to writing about things.  But right now I'm having so much fun doing them that I simply haven't gotten around to it.

Recap of goal #38: the cleanup is still a work in progress.  I stalled out for a while, but I am feeling newly motivated.