Wednesday, July 20, 2011

52 Weeks of Dresses -- Week 11

Otherwise titled: Wait, wait!

T and I had to get a late start on the way to the great state of Tennessee, so we didn't make it to our destination until mid-afternoon.  We're staying in a town a little ways from Nashville, in a "log cabin" which is actually quite nice, way up on top of a hill that you need to be a billy goat to climb up.  We didn't have much time before our evening plans, so we took a quick trip to the nearby lake to check it out, then headed into the big city.

By pure dumb luck, it turned out that the lovely folks who do Wait, wait... just happened to be filming this weekend's show live in Nashville on Thursday night, and I got us tickets!  We were running late - nothing unusual for me - and made it just in the nick of time.

Setting the stage

The lighting was bad for pictures, but from L to R, that's announcer Carl Kasell, host Peter Sagal, and empty chair for special guest Vince Gill, and panelists Roy Blount, Jr., Kyrie O'Connor, and Adam Felber.

It was during one of their chatty interludes that Peter mentioned to the audience that they'd been to Bolton's the day before for some hot chicken.  (You can read their blog entry about the sandwiches that made them cry here.)

T and me outside the auditorium.

The guy who offered to take that picture of us (it would have been great if my eyes were open) also gave us those green tickets in my hand, which were to a post-taping reception.  It went like this: "Do you guys have these?" "[Looking confused] No." "You do now."  Lots of desserts and delicious sweet tea!

Peter and me at the reception!

I was really tired, so T drove home and I slept most of the way.  But the whole night was so fun!  I love Wait, wait..., and it was awesome to get to see it happen live and in person.  It's different than it is on the radio - there's a lot more talking and making jokes that get cut out in the final version, and at the end, they'll go back and redo some parts that need cleaning up.  Cool to see!


  1. Ahhhh! I'm so jealous! I've wanted to go to a show for FOREVER.

    Also, those Nashvillians (Nashvillains?) sure have a thing for Andrew Jackson...

  2. It was pretty awesome, not gonna lie :-)
