Sunday, December 27, 2015
Goal #52
S has a friend coming in town for New Year's Eve, and there are a few little things that need to be done at his house before it's guest-ready: bedding in the guest room, outfitting the guest bath, etc. I'm going to set to work being domestic this week!
Oh, and it's my birthday!
Recap of goal #51: so much fun, and so much food!
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Goal #51
Goal #51: all the Christmas fun!
Even I have to admit, there is some tedium to Christmas. But now that part's over, and it's just food and drink and merriment!
Recap of goal #50: I have one or two gifts left to secure, but I know what they are and there's a reason I've waited, so I'm in good shape!
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Hendrick's BBQ
Last weekend, S and I went with some friends to Hendrick's BBQ in St. Charles. I am sorry to say that I was not impressed. The cocktails were watery and expensive for a BBQ joint, and the BBQ itself was underwhelming. The sides were decent, but not nearly as good as those at Salt and Smoke (nor, frankly, were the cocktails). So if you have to pick a place, I'd pick the latter if I were you. Plus, it's in the Loop, so there are all sorts of entertainment options as well!
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Goal #50
I got a few presents nailed down last week, but not quite as many as I'd hoped. Luckily I still have another week!
On the subject of last-minute gifts, in two separate conversations I discussed with both Dad and E both the convenience and the sad impersonal nature of direct-to-recipient mailing. It's nice that you don't have to repackage something and run to the post office to get it shipped out, but it's also fun to see what the gift actually looks like and to wrap it yourself. Or at least I think so. But then again, I weirdly love Christmas, so I suspect a lot of people disagree with me about that last part.
Recap of goal #49: see above - partial success.
Friday, December 11, 2015
Fun around StL - The Year in Review
Every year, SLAM hosts florists from around the area who create stunning displays of flora inspired by works of art around the museum. The designers are assigned a piece of art (or maybe they have a choice of three -- I can't quite remember), and they craft and present a display based on the original work. This year, I took myself on a solo date to the members' preview event, which included a delicious dinner in the main hall.
Taste of Fiction
T and I went to the annual fundraiser at the St. Louis Public Library again earlier this spring. So many cakes, so many pictures, and I don't feel like editing them all, so here's my tip: come with me next year and you can see them for yourself!
Circus Flora
K planned her trip to StL this summer just perfectly, although we didn't know it at the time. Not only did we get to see Richard the Lionheart, we also went to Circus Flora's annual show. This year: "One Summer on 2nd Street."
There were some changes this year. Some of my favorite guys from the St. Louis Arches have moved on, but the younger tumblers have stepped up and I'm sure they will develop just as much character over the next couple of years.
The Flying Wallendas were there, as usual, and put on a breathtaking show. There was a new pair of aerialists who where equally as impressive as the high-wire walkers, and are a great addition to the show.
The night that we were at the circus, there was an insane thunderstorm outside. Our circus tent held up just fine, but thank goodness they bolt it to the ground. Otherwise we might not have been so lucky!
Campbell House Museum
The CHM celebrated the 150th anniversary of the end of the Civil War with a number of author signings and an open house. Members got to snack and drink wine, and wander about through the museum and garden. Aside from being a bit windy outside, it otherwise a lovely day.
1875 St. Louis
T and I went to a new exhibit at the History Museum. It was so much fun to see the history of the city I have come to love, all laid out in maps. The design of the exhibit was a little goofy, with lots of cartoon drawings, but the info was fascinating.
Lantern Festival
I went with the G family to the Lantern Festival this year. It was impressive, and we had the pleasure of being there on a lovely evening for a stroll through the garden. It also made me realize that I don't go there enough - a situation I need to correct!
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Monday, December 7, 2015
This Day in History
The Valor in the Pacific Memorial, the resting place of the USS Arizona and almost 1,200 servicemen who went down with the ship, is officially a national park. I have never been, but I would like to visit some day.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Goal #49
As seems to have become the trend, I am behind in my Christmas shopping again this year. This is my week to support the economy!
Recap of goal #48: work, I did. But as always, there is more to do.
Friday, December 4, 2015
An Ode to Uninterrupted Reading
I read very few books these days, and that is something that makes me sad. It's my own fault for not having made it a big enough priority in my life. I get that. But there are just so many things to do every day! Finding time to brush one's teeth can be difficult, let alone time for recreational activities like reading!
Partially, I blame the internet. I have a Twitter account, though I neither read nor tweeted anything for years. I still am not a tweeter. But when #Ferguson happened, and since I don't have a television, my best source of insta-pseudo-news was Twitter.
Fortunately or unfortunately, relying on it for a couple of days to find out what was going on around town was enough to get me hooked, at least for a while. (Now my use of it goes in fits and starts.) But there is just so much interesting stuff on the internet to read! Does any of it really have an impact on my life? Very few things so far (and most of those things are insta-actual-news from either @SLMPD, @downtownstlouis, or @stlcountypd), usually informing me of street closures or the like.
But all those internet articles take away from book-reading time, and I don't like that a bit. Nevertheless, I allow it to happen.
I could go on, but my thoughts are well-enough summed up in this old Weekly Standard article that Dad sent me, so I'll let it do the talking. I'll go back to reading.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
What I Watched -- Shrek

Too long, because it's stinkin' hilarious.
I couldn't stop laughing, nor could S. Dad at one point asked us when we were going to grow up. And my answer, if growing up means I don't get to laugh like an idiot at Eddie Murphy as Donkey, is "never!"
Bottom line: if you haven't see it: (1) why not? and (2) watch it now. If you have: watch it again!