Manchester by the Sea is not a happy movie. If you've seen or heard anything about it, you probably know that already.
Casey Affleck, everyone's new favorite sad guy, plays Lee. Lee's brother passed away suddenly, and the childless Lee is thrust into the role of father for his nephew. It becomes apparent early on that Lee left his hometown under mysterious circumstances, and the interesting parts of the move relate to figuring out what those circumstances were.
The power scene is a confrontation between Lee and Randi (played by
Michelle Williams). Her role in the movie is small but pivotal, and the scene is a great reminder of how good of an actress she is.
One probably would not be surprised to learn that a movie set in Massachusetts about a down-on-his-luck and misunderstood leading man was produced by none other than my boyfriend,
Matt Damon.
Bottom line: dark, sad, and well done.