I know, I know. I'm supposed to be reading
The Drunkard's Walk, and I am! But this book came in for me at the
library, and I really want to read it! In fact, I got it from the library once before when it was on 7-day loan, but I didn't get to it. So now it's a 14-day loan, and I'm really hoping I can finish it in time! I'm about 75 pages in so far, and it's totally engaging already.
I have been hearing about this book nonstop at my bookstore since it came out in the US a couple years ago. The author died in 2004 and these books - this is the first in a trilogy - are being published posthumously. The second,
The Girl Who Played With Fire, came out last year. The third,
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, is due out in May.
There was a story on NPR about how Larsson enthusiasts are ordering The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest off of Amazon.co.uk because they can't wait for it!