Friday, May 31, 2019

Goals 2019 -- May Recap

I am pleased to report that I rocked my goal this month.  I have not wiped and gotten rid of my old phone yet, but technically that wasn't on my list!

Update from K to follow....

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

What I'm Reading Now -- The Friend

I still haven't officially finished the paper version of Truman, despite finishing the audiobook.  Nevertheless, I have started The Friend, which is my next postal book club book courtesy of E.

Putting a dog on the cover of a book is an easy way to get my attention.  The bright color-blocking also helps.  As the saying goes, though, you should not judge a book by its cover.  I make a slight exception to that rule when the cover also bears a "National Book Award Winner" seal.  I don't always agree with the judging panel, but even if I don't particularly like the book, I can usually at least why it was selected, so something worthwhile comes out of the read.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Goals 2019 -- May Edition Update

From K:

In the vein of picking manageable goals, when M asked what we should work on this month, I picked one of my typical summer projects: gaining control of my digital life. To that end, this month I will try to clean out my email inboxes (and there are many) and delete any email that’s hanging around in any hidden folders. Additionally, I want to monitor my incoming junk mail and unsubscribe to any mailing lists I have found myself on that are giving me some version of carpal tunnel syndrome from swiping to delete.

This is usually a summer goal because I actually have time to get myself organized and enough faith to believe that I might actually be able to maintain such organization when the going gets rough. For me, May is the month where all things seem possible, even maybe eliminating junk mail. It really is a magical time of year.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Goals 2019 -- May Edition

In May, we're dealing with our electronics.

My goals are as follows:
- Delete at least 200 old emails.  Why this number, you might ask?  No idea.  I have no idea whether it's realistic or not.  But it seems better to have something quantifiable.
- Do at least two of the things on my long to-do list.  I have a computer-related to-do list.  I won't bore you with what's on it, but there are probably a dozen tasks to be done.  I will do three of them.
- Back up my phone and switch over to a new one.  This is a biggie.  My phone is on it's last leg.  Toe.  Toenail.  Barely hangin' on.  Time to upgrade.

K may have a more detailed list later, but here's what I've been apprised of so far:
- Unsubscribe from a million lists.
- Clean out email inboxes.
- Streamline app use.
- At least consider the possibility of moving fully to an online calendar.

So, as the sun shines and hopefully the rain stops, we'll be sitting in front of our computers like good Americans, clickety-clacking away on our keyboards!