Monday, September 10, 2018

What I'm Reading Now -- Lands of Lost Borders

I picked up a habit from dad of trying to read a book about a place that I'm traveling to.  For those of you who don't know, S and I are heading to Cambodia for our honeymoon.  The trouble with books about Cambodia is that there aren't many.  And of the ones I've been able to find, they typically fall into one of two categories: (1) extremely dense history tomes that were probably PhD dissertations at one point in time, or (2) tales from the genocide.

Neither of those were what I was looking for.

Instead, I ventured a bit farther afield and decided to try Lands of Lost Borders.  We're way north of Cambodia, in the Tibet/Mongolia/China area of the world, but the tale seemed suitably adventurous, so we'll give it a go.

If you have any suggestions for Cambodia-related books that are not in either of the above categories, I'd love to hear about them!  I have two Cambodia-related books on the registry which, though fiction, hopefully give an entertaining taste of life: Holiday in Cambodia and A Deadly Cambodian Crime Spree (from the Detective Singh mystery series).  I did pick out one relatively dense-looking history book as well, Cambodia's Curse.  That may be my airplane reading for the trip over.

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