Friday, September 20, 2024

The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy -- Take 2

The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy was not for me.

Initially, I didn't quite know what I was getting into.  The first 20 pages or so were pretty entertaining.  Then it just started to get weird and go a bit off the rails.  So I looked up a few things about it and came away with this summary: "nothing happens, it's pretty dumb, but there are some real gems in the prose."

My reading experience could not mirror that summary more exactly.  I really had to push myself to get through the pages.  I thought this one would be easy because it's so short, but the total lack of plot made it a real slog.  But every now and then I would either burst out laughing or come across a passage that was so spot-on that I had to go back and read it aloud to S.

Despite that, I don't expect I will be reading any of the other books in the series.

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