Why did I buy this dress? Because it's beautiful. Do I have someplace to wear it? Not yet. But when you have a dress that beautiful, you will find a place to wear it. (Anyone want to take me out?)
Now, to the point of today's post. (Wait, you mean the dress wasn't the point? Okay, fine. Now to the second point of today's post.) I was talking to one of my co-workers, and we were lamenting the lack of formality in society generally. Why is it that no one feels they need to dress up for anything anymore? Don't get me wrong, I enjoy jeans and a t-shirt as much as the next girl, but to the symphony? Really?
I feel that a dress code brings an element of civility and decorum to match the level of attire. A formal dress code will elicit the most restrained and proper behavior, while flip flops and a baseball cap bring with them something entirely different. Either is okay, in the proper setting, but as The Byrds famously paraphrased the Book of Ecclesiastes, 3:1, "to everything there is a season." To every event there is a proper outfit.
My public service announcement/dictate for the day: if you're going to Powell Hall, or The Fox, or a nice dinner, jeans are not acceptable. Give the buildings and/or your company the respect they deserve.
I totally agree. I wish people dressed up more. Mostly so that I had an excuse to dress up more, but also because it's just rude to wear jeans to the symphony.