Friday, December 23, 2011

A Shout-Out to Valley Park

You heard me: Valley Park, MO.

As a suburb, there is not much to recommend Valley Park.  However, it has the best Post Office in the St. Louis metropolitan area.  It's small (space for just two people at the counter at a time), but as it turns out, that's plenty of space.  It's never crowded - the longest I've ever had to wait is probably two or three minutes.

And the best part is yet to come: the USPS employees who work there are nice.  That's right, nice - unlike the grouches who work in, say, Clayton.  They know me by name (it's close to my office).  They smile!  It's incredible.

Yes, I still think all these things about them two days before Christmas, when they're busier than ever.  How's that for an endorsement?

Best post office ever.


  1. lucky gal. I haven't found a good one here yet. And it makes SUCH a difference!

  2. There is one over near NCSU that is quite pleasant. Looks like an old fashioned hardware store inside, but the line goes quickly and the people are knowledgeable, nice, and even sometimes cheerful!
    That's my choice when I'm in Raleigh!
