Garden: Look, things are growing!
I got a late start due to my Grand Canyon trip, so I don't know how much harvest I'll get, but it's still fun to see things getting bigger.
In the raised bed are tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, basil, chives, lemon balm, and mint. The mint is shortly going to get pulled out and put into its own pot, to keep it contained. S sent me a picture the other day of some little tiny tomatoes, which I'll post soon. Yay!
Planted around the outside of the garden I had two marigold plants and two lavender plants, to help keep the pests away. Well, it turns out that one of the worst pests of all, Japanese beetles, are not the least bit put off my marigolds. I have pulled so many of them off of one of my marigold plants -- but just the one; they have left the other one alone. I am fighting to save one of the lavender plants, which ended up in sort of a soggy spot in the yard and was drowning. I pulled it out and potted it, so it gets better drainage. We'll see if it makes it.
I started two little spruce trees in pots early in the season. One died from drought while I was gone, but two seem to be doing pretty well.
The canna plants out front are also being attacked by the Japanese beetles, so I have been dutifully killing the bugs and spraying the plants every chance I get. S got me some organic, food-safe beetle spray, so I can use it on my veggie plants if needed. They already did so much damage to one of my basil plants that I just pulled it out and tossed it.
There are also a few wildflowers popping up from all the seeds L planted in the cul de sac, but I still have to decide what to do along the front walk. Maybe more canna plants in the spring, if I can get the beetles under control.
Gym: no progress. I've been enjoying the out-of-doors!
Craft table: my original plan for a craft table I believe has changed a bit, but it's still in the air, so no news yet.
Recipes: S ran my typewriter back by the shop, and I have typed a few more recipes since getting it back. It seems to be in better repair, although I have to get better about actually using it. Perhaps this weekend, since it's supposed to rain.
S found me a lovely cedar log that he is going to make me a recipe box out of, and it is currently drying out in the garage.
Pictures: still nothing.