The title character is played by Sally Field, who did a phenomenal job as a 60-something part-time hermit, 3/4-time hoarder who develops a crush on a much younger coworker, and decides to go for it after attending a self-help seminar.
**SPOILER ALERT** Things end predictably, but Doris's brief crush inspires her to shake things up in her life a bit.
Other than Sally Field's performance, there isn't a whole lot to the movie. The object of her crush, John, is played by Max Greenfield. I know he's been in other things, but the only thing I know him from is New Girl. His performance is fine, but his task in the movie was easy.
Bottom line: a light flick that you could fall asleep during and not miss much.
I LOVED this movie, but the way you described it is spot on. It wasn't overwhelming, must-see-it-again kind of love, but it has really stuck with me.