Monday, December 30, 2024

The Ultimate Journey -- Take 2

I took a break in the middle of The Ultimate Journey: Canada to Mexico Down the Continental Divide to travel and work on a few other books, but I was eager to get back to it.

On the whole, I didn't enjoy it as much as The High Adventure of Eric Ryback, his first book.  Some of that might be because I wasn't surprised by it this time.  When you read a book that's written by the father of an old friend, you don't expect much from it.  When it turns out to be an eminently readable outdoor adventure (albeit a controversial one), it's a bit disarming. 

The second time around, I knew what to expect.  There was the added fun of having his little brother along for the adventure, but generally it was more of the same.  Which is not to say I didn't enjoy it, just that I expected it.

This book, unlike many of the others I've read this year, was part of my 2024 Reading Challenge, so it also has that going for it too.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Enduring Passion -- Take 2

I finished Enduring Passion, but I have to say that the first half of the book was certainly more entertaining.  The remainder still had some fun bits and I didn't not enjoy it, but it wasn't as amusing as the early chapters.

If you've got some time to kill, poke through the first hundred pages or so. I won't spoil her advice.

I do want to give credit to her occasionally incisive social commentary of the day: "The opinions of crudely material and base-minded men would not matter in the least if it were not that they have for so long been voluble and noisy and expressive in print and thus tended to create a degraded social outlook." Those bits of the book are quite sharp and funny.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

What I'm Reading Now -- Greyfriars Bobby

I picked up a used copy of this book in, appropriately, Edinburgh.  We had seen the statute of the famous little Skye terrier, so this seemed an excellent souvenir. 

The story goes that this loyal little pup, after the death of his owner, guarded his owners grave until Bobby's own death 14 years later.  What's not to love about this?

I'll probably cry, that's what's not to love.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

What I Read -- Fucking Apostrophes

S was wandering our local public library, as he is wont to do when he has some time to kill, and found this delightful little gem.  It's a grammar book, but it's a short and funny one and worth the twenty minutes or so that one must put into learning how to appropriately use an apostrophe.

Reading tip: do not skip the examples.  They contain such humorous pop cultural references as: "Miley Cyrus's father refused to comment," "Rihanna's and Jennifer's photos were all over the internet," and "Donald removed his hair and put it back in its cage."

For those Anglophiles out there (myself included), it's important to know that St. James's Park is a park in London, St. James' Park is the NUFC stadium, and St. James Park is the Exeter FC stadium.  Who can keep track of these things?!