Saturday, August 8, 2009

Home, however briefly

After 10 hours and 15 minutes in the car, J and I returned home this afternoon. So far, things have been less than fantastic: the place where I get free car washes (to get all the salty ocean scum off my car) was closed for repaving; I left my glasses at my sister's house; my landlord still sucks. But some good stuff too: my own shower and apartment (even though there's no food in it)!

There are lots of things to do before leaving for London, but hopefully I can get it all done and maybe even get a head start on packing for the big move, which happens sometime in the 13 days after I get back from bonny old England.

And in other travel news, props to K for making it all the way from WDC to Durham in a super-speedy 8 hours, give or take. Too bad about the traffic and accidents, but you made it!

1 comment:

  1. Yowza, honey, this is an awesome story/adventure. Sad :-( about Swag & Tails - that place was really nice. . . even the walk to get there!

    Did you each wear out at least one pair of shoes? On the other hand it IS a very "walkable" place, and lovely to be reminiscing as you go. Glad the car was where you left it - anything else woulda been THE PITS!

    Guess we are having a cross-half-continental "packing race". My date is the 25th.

    Lots of love, Mom
    PS Missing you!
