Sunday, September 26, 2010

All aboard the Zooline Railroad!

Today one of the professional associations of which I am a member hosted a picnic at the Zoo. L and I had not seen each other in quite some time, so we went to enjoy the day. Problem was, it was frickin' freezing - 54 degrees! I had gone to the gym first, so I was in shorts. I piled on all the other clothes I had - a long-sleeved t-shirt, a fleece, and a parka, and it was still cold!

But despite the cold, it was fun. We wandered around a bit, and were quite entertained by the bears. There were a couple of enormous grizzlies enjoying the brisk air, as well as a sloth bear who kept kept turning around in circles. (Fun fact: according to Wikipedia - which knows everything - Baloo from The Jungle Book probably would have been a sloth bear in real life!)

Our tickets to the picnic included a ride on the Zooline Railroad, as well as one on the carousel; I rode the Siberian Tiger, L was on the Polar Bear Cub. (There were some other things included in our Safari Pass too, like the Motion Simulator, Sea Lion Show, and admission to the Childrens' Zoo, but we didn't take advantage of them.)

We also found ways to warm up on the cold day. Good options: (1) go inside and stuff your face with hot dogs and brownies; (2) go into one of the warm animal houses, such as the Climatron-style butterfly house (this does not include Penguin & Puffin Coast, btw - it is cold in there)!

Despite the weather, a lovely morning at the zoo!


  1. Dad and I always loved taking you guys to the zoo on cold mornings, especially when ours would be the only footprints outside of the cages!
    I can't believe how COLD it is there.... maybe your weather is coming our way: due to get no higher than 70 today (and raining); down from high 90's and no rain for weeks! I'm sure if we had bears they'd be loving it!

  2. I love the butterfly! They're still out in full force here. I see them every day on my way to the bus and it makes me :D
