Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Recap Part II - Other Movies

Yes, it's true.  In addition to the many, many SLIFF movies I saw, there were others.  Witness:

The Princess Bride: ahh, a classic.  We watched this one over Thanksgiving.  Nothing like Billy Crystal as Miracle Max, young Fred Savage, and lovely Robin Wright all in a movie together.  With sword fighting.  And a giant.  It doesn't get much better than that.

3:10 to Yuma: Russell Crowe is a pretty good actor, it turns out.  He plays a good tough guy, with or without a soft side.  And I've loved Christian Bale forever - from Empire of the Sun to Little Women to Batman Begins and The Dark Knight.  (He even voiced characters in Pocahontas and Howl's Moving Castle!)  Winner.

Roots, episodes 1-4: working my way through these, but I still have a long way to go.  Quite an impressive undertaking by Mr. Haley, I must say.  As well as by me, for watching them!

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