Friday, December 4, 2015

An Ode to Uninterrupted Reading

I miss having large, uninterrupted chunks of time generally.  I especially miss having large, uninterrupted chunks of time in which I could sit down and read a book.

I read very few books these days, and that is something that makes me sad.  It's my own fault for not having made it a big enough priority in my life.  I get that.  But there are just so many things to do every day!  Finding time to brush one's teeth can be difficult, let alone time for recreational activities like reading!

Partially, I blame the internet.  I have a Twitter account, though I neither read nor tweeted anything for years.  I still am not a tweeter.  But when #Ferguson happened, and since I don't have a television, my best source of insta-pseudo-news was Twitter.

Fortunately or unfortunately, relying on it for a couple of days to find out what was going on around town was enough to get me hooked, at least for a while.  (Now my use of it goes in fits and starts.)  But there is just so much interesting stuff on the internet to read!  Does any of it really have an impact on my life?  Very few things so far (and most of those things are insta-actual-news from either @SLMPD, @downtownstlouis, or @stlcountypd), usually informing me of street closures or the like.

But all those internet articles take away from book-reading time, and I don't like that a bit.  Nevertheless, I allow it to happen.

I could go on, but my thoughts are well-enough summed up in this old Weekly Standard article that Dad sent me, so I'll let it do the talking.  I'll go back to reading.

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