Thursday, May 5, 2016

Goals -- Progress Update

The lack of updates is for the obvious reason: I haven't made much progress lately.  Nevertheless, here's the status:

Garden: I have a few little things growing, but nothing planted in the garden yet.  I decided to wait until after I get back from my trip before I plant things.  So in the meantime, I have a couple of little flower pots on the front porch, I'm tending to some mint I found in the yard, which is trying to establish roots in a coffee mug right now, and I'm just getting some new herbs started.

Gym: Since the weather has warmed, I've shifted (pun intended) to biking outside, which puts working on the gym on the back burner a bit.  There are some good ideas being thrown around, but nothing concrete yet.  I think we've decided on the flooring material, the lighting, and have at least an idea of placement.  But it's all fluid until the basement design is finalized.

Craft Table: Similar to the gym, I have some ideas, but nothing concrete.  I'm developing the list of what I need space and storage for, but I have the most amazing notions cabinet ever, so I'm in pretty good space as far as storage goes.  The notions cabinet is also a work in progress, though, and I'll report on that as I start developing it a bit more.  It's an old dresser, with drawers on one side and a tall open space on the other which used to have shelves in it.  I can either put the shelves back in, or leave it open for whole bolts of cloth or the like.  But the drawers will provide plenty of storage for buttons, thread, tools, etc.

Recipes: I got my typewriter back from the shop and started typing up a few recipes, but the carriage still wasn't moving quite right, especially when I pressed the space bar.  So it went back to the shop for a day -- apparently it needed a different size rubber bumper.  It's back, but I haven't started using it yet.

Pictures: Still nothing.


  1. Where'd the dresser come from? I love that you still have a typewriter.

    1. It was part of a pair, one of which is in the guest room at S's house. There wasn't room for the other one, so I'm taking it over.
