Sunday, September 1, 2019

Goals 2019 -- September Edition

This month's goal is in three parts.  They are only loosely related.  Here's what we've got:

1. Drink more water.
     I have an app on my phone that reminds me to drink water.  I'm going to increase my daily goal by 25% over what it was previously.  And, just to be clear, I'm going to include all liquid intake.  Coffee or tea isn't water, but it's made from water, so that's good enough for me.

2. Get up when the alarm goes off.
     I've done this one before.  I used to obsessively hit the snooze button for 15 or 20 minutes.  I broke that habit last go-around.  I've been very tired lately and dying for a snooze button, but I have a different phone, and the shortest "snooze" option in the clock app is 10 minutes.  That's unacceptable.  But you know what else is unacceptable?  Just turning off the alarm and lying back down in bed!  That's what I've started doing lately. more of that.  Alarm = get out of bed.

3. Keep on a regular schedule.
     This is something inspired by K (whose goal is more ambitious than mine) and last month's journaling adventure.  I realized that, especially since I have not been getting up to ride my bike much lately, I have a totally different schedule on the weekends than I do on the weekdays.  And what's more, my weekend schedules are completely inconsistent even with each other!  Some days I'm up at 7:00, other days I sleep until 10:00.  (Which is a new development in the last year or two; not sure what's going on there, but apparently I'm reverting to teenage sleeping habits.)
     I want to make sure I still get enough sleep, but that means I just have to make sure to go to bed at a reasonable hour in order to keep some consistency for myself.  I'm not going to have as severe of a goal as K, whom I believe is going to try to keep her weekend wake-up time the same as her weekday; that's not going to work for me.  But I will try to keep them closer together, and at least keep the weekends consistent with each other.

Here's to us, improving!


  1. There is some research that indicates that power-nappers gain some health benefits...

  2. How's it going with the alarm? I struggle with that.
