Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Double Bind -- Take 2

I was fascinated by this book. I have never read The Great Gatsby (I know, you're shocked), so I spent as much time trying to figure out what had happened in that book as I did trying to figure out what was going on in The Double Bind.  But both activities were entertaining.

I don't want to say too much about The Double Bind, for fear of spoiling it for anyone who hasn't read it.  I can't say that I was surprised by the ending, because it was a little bit predictable, but I enjoyed getting there, every step (or pedal turn) of the way.

I need to check out some more Chris Bohjalian.  Suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. I tried to read Midwives once and couldn't get into it. Maybe I should give this one a try!
