Monday, October 12, 2020

Columbus Day

Did you know that today is Columbus Day?  I didn't either, until it popped up on my calendar.  Who celebrates Columbus Day anyway?  I don't think I've ever had a job that I get this day off work.

What Columbus Day seems more like to me than anything is the first real day of autumn.  I know technically this happens in late September at the fall equinox, but usually there are a sufficient number of lovely days which occur subsequent to the equinox that it doesn't feel like autumn yet.  By the middle of October, the weather has cooled down, the leaves are changing color if not already drifting groundward, and a piping hot mug of apple cider seems just the thing on a chilly evening.

Our leaves in this particular corner of the state went from green to brown with very little in between, which is always a bit of a disappointment.  But we did have a couple of weeks of perfect weather -- those sunny days, warm but not too hot, with cool evenings that we usually get about three of each year -- so I can't be too upset about the colors.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry about the green-to-brown. I love "autumnalness" (is that a thing?) Crisp air, bright sunshine, no need for Columbus, really. Native Americans would likely agree; what a long, strange trip its been, but here we are :-/
