Sunday, December 27, 2020

Quarantine Christmas -- Part III

I was trying to find something good on Netflix while I was spinning one day, and I stumbled across Klaus.  I had never heard of it, which was hugely surprising -- it's a Christmas movie, it's a movie about the postal service, and it definitely seems like something that might have been a film festival flick.  Despite all of that, I had never heard of it.  But rest assured, it is 100% adorable and worth every minute.

K and J came up to St. Louis for the holiday, so we headed up -- for the third time this year! -- to the Shackteau to have a little cold-weather celebration.  While there, we made sugar cookies, Santa snacks, hot chocolate, eggnog cocktails, winter spice cocktails, and froze our tails off by the fire.

We also watched Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, the beginning of A Very Murray Christmas, and that old Christmas classic, My Cousin Vinny.  Plus we opened some presents and ate lots of food.

Back at home on Christmas Day, S and I opened the rest of our presents, had lots of phone calls, and watched one of my all time Christmas faves, Little Women.  There was also a new treat for me this year -- OTSL has a bunch of digital content coming out due to the pandemic, including a holiday concert!

I have one last Christmas celebration I'd like to have prior to the conclusion of this Christmas weekend.  It's the SLSO holiday concert, which is also available online.  Oh, and let's not forget that I still have ingredients for a few more types of cookies which I have not gotten around to making yet!

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