Thursday, July 21, 2022

Movies -- A Recap -- Part XXIII -- The Kids' Movie Edition

I don't watch kids' movies very often, but every now and then, it's just what you need.  Here are a few that tickled my fancy lately:

I knew a few of the classic lines from Ice Age, and had seen a scene or two but never the whole thing.  It's pretty cute, it turns out!  A good old fashioned buddy story, with some animal jokes thrown in.  Too bad it took me so long to see it.  Should I see any of the sequels?

Coco is one I had wanted to see since I first heard about it.  I have missed out on a lot of the more recent Disney movies, but since my mom's family has Mexican heritage, this one seemed right up my alley.  I thought it did a nice job of incorporating the ideas of the Day of the Dead with an engaging
story for the kiddos.




I cracked up watching the first Peter Rabbit, so of course I was going to watch Peter Rabbit 2.  The second one wasn't as funny as the first, but it was still decent viewing.  I especially appreciated a couple of specific American English / British English comedic references.

The Mighty Ducks was a staple of my childhood.  For a few brief and shining moments I thought I might even want to learn to play hockey.  Then I realized that what I really wanted to do was rollerblade in places that I wasn't supposed to, and decided perhaps The Mighty Ducks wasn't a good influence on me.  As with so many older movies, too (did you hear me call the 90's "older"?), they don't play quite the same these days -- you remember that line where Emilio Estevez's character calls his line of two black kids and white kid his "Oreo line"?  Ouch.

Finding Dory is pretty darn funny, and a totally adequate sequel to Finding Nemo.  Dory, as a character, isn't quite as adorable as little Nemo was, but she's funny and lovable in her own dopey, Ellen DeGeneres way.

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