When I did eventually get around to it, S and I were both immediately frustrated by the unsteady camera work. If you can get beyond that without feeling seasick, you can start to think about that artist himself. If, that is, you can get beyond the terrible sound editing vis a vis the soundtrack.
The film is a glimpse into the mind of a man on the edge, which is simultaneously introspective and maddening -- more the latter than the former. It's confusing and a bit frustrating, until about the last 10 minutes.
Despite its shortcomings, though, I still like it because it's Vincent.
The title is the name of one of Van Gogh's works: Sorrowing Old Man (At Eternity's Gate).
Bottom line: not a great movie, but great paintings from a mind ahead of his time.
I started this one. Fell asleep and didn't bother to finish the next night...