Friday, February 11, 2011

More of S's NYC Pictures

You can tell S is a mom because she does that thing that all moms do: take pictures of people when they're walking ahead. She also took a bunch of pictures of me trying to keep up with life on my Blackberry. Witness:

Leaning against the wind in Central Park

Heading back south on 5th Avenue

Yes, I was eating one too. They're delicious!

Watching skaters at Rockefeller Center

Headed from Battery towards Wall Street

Oh, and she also took pictures of me taking pictures


And again

Apparently trash pickup was a little behind because of the snow. S couldn't get over the piles on the sidewalk

Leaving our hotel in the morning

More trash

Reorganizing myself after buying my ticket at the AMNH

On my Blackberry

Still on my Blackberry. By now it was Tuesday, so I was feeling a little behind on work and trying to catch up

Leaving the Times Square subway station, which is huge

Leaving the ICP

Headed back to our hotel for the last time

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