Monday, April 2, 2012

52 Weeks of Dresses -- Week 28

Last Sunday for T's birthday (I know, I know: so slow to post!), we decided to enjoy the lovely weather by heading to MoBot for the Orchid Show.  The orchids are actually inside, but it was a perfect day for walking around the rest of the garden - sunny but not blindingly bright, warm but not miserably hot.

Orchids, orchids, and more orchids:

And elsewhere in the garden:


A lovely place to rest

In fact, I think I will.


I found these mallards rather amusing.  What's just out of the picture to the bottom of the frame is a little waterfall.  Those two are standing there right in the flow of water, occasionally coming up for air, and waiting for goodies to get washed down.  The smart one over here on the right found a little eddy and is keeping high and dry while awaiting his snack.


  1. I think we were in the Gardens at the same time - I took my visiting cousin to eat Pappy's and see the Japanese Garden, which is my favorite.

    1. We walked over there too! That's where the ducks were. Sad we didn't see you :-(
