Sunday, September 22, 2013

Goal #38

Goal #38: recover and recap.

Work-related conferences can be great.  (They can also be terrible.)  One of the biggest problems I've found, though, is this: it's all well and good to sit around and talk about all the great things you will do someday when the only thing on your agenda at the conference is to sit around and talk about all the great things you will do someday.  It is quite another thing to actually put those ideas into practice once you get back to your busy real life and all the things you didn't do while you were gone are staring you in the face.

My goal this week is just to make sure my little working group at least has a good understanding of the things that I learned.  Implementation always takes time, but at least if everyone shares in the ideas, we might get somewhere.

Recap of goal #37: success! Exhausted as I now am (and as I was even thinking about it ahead of time), I was social, outgoing, talked to strangers, took the lead, and made connections.  And I spilled a glass of water on myself and got laughed at.  And I didn't even die of embarrassment.

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