Saturday, February 28, 2015

Top of the Lake

Eons ago, I heard about Top of the Lake on one of my podcasts.  It piqued my interest because it stars Elisabeth Moss, who's most famous for playing Peggy Olson on Mad Men, but whom I have always suspected should have her own show.

Half an eon ago, I watched the first episode.  But then life happened (you know how that goes), and I just never had time to get back to it.  This past weekend I finally did.  I watched four more episodes, and I can't wait to get back to it.

Elisabeth plays Robin Griffin, a police detective who heads home to visit her sick mum (it's set in New Zealand).  While there, she finds Tui, a pregnant 12-year-old, standing chest deep in a local lake.  Shortly after Tui is released from police custody, she disappears.  Robin, for reasons that become clear as the show goes on, can't let Tui's case go.

In case there was any question whether Peggy Olson could carry a show on her own (which there shouldn't be, since she has carried some of the seasons of Mad Men), this should put them to rest.

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