Monday, April 4, 2016

What I Watched -- Inglorious Basterds

S and I watched Inglorious Basterds over the course of a couple days while we were working out. The things I knew about it before it started were as follows:
- It's a Quentin Tarantino film;
- It's set in World War II Germany;
- It stars Brad Pitt and Christoph Waltz.
I assumed (due to Quentin Tarantino's heavy-handedness) that there would be lots of bloodshed.  Turns out I was right about that.

Christoph Waltz plays Colonel Hans Landa, the despicable German, the "Jew Hunter."  Brad Pitt plays Lieutenant Aldo Raine, the American, despicable in his own war-hero way.  He was called "The Apache," for scalping the Nazis he killed.  The unknown-to-Americans actress Melanie Laurent plays a key role in the film, as a Jew-in-hiding in Paris.

As you can probably guess, there is lots of grandstanding by the lead actor, lots of scheming by the lead villain, and lots of gory death.

Bottom line: about what you'd expect.

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