Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Goals 2019 -- May Edition

In May, we're dealing with our electronics.

My goals are as follows:
- Delete at least 200 old emails.  Why this number, you might ask?  No idea.  I have no idea whether it's realistic or not.  But it seems better to have something quantifiable.
- Do at least two of the things on my long to-do list.  I have a computer-related to-do list.  I won't bore you with what's on it, but there are probably a dozen tasks to be done.  I will do three of them.
- Back up my phone and switch over to a new one.  This is a biggie.  My phone is on it's last leg.  Toe.  Toenail.  Barely hangin' on.  Time to upgrade.

K may have a more detailed list later, but here's what I've been apprised of so far:
- Unsubscribe from a million lists.
- Clean out email inboxes.
- Streamline app use.
- At least consider the possibility of moving fully to an online calendar.

So, as the sun shines and hopefully the rain stops, we'll be sitting in front of our computers like good Americans, clickety-clacking away on our keyboards!

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