Friday, April 3, 2020

Goals 2020 -- April Edition

I struggled to select a goal for April.  In less strange times, my goal might be something like "get all my garden beds planted" or "get outside and enjoy the spring weather."  Those seemed somehow unsatisfying with all the craziness around us.

But then I thought about it some more.  I am one of the lucky people with lots of green space around me.  I am not confined to a small 12th floor studio apartment.  I have a house with land (not to mention lots of outside chores that need to be done -- although S did me the favor of cutting the yard for the first time this season while I was inside working!).

So, says I, this is exactly the time to be outside.  Because I can, and safely.  I have all the space and projects I need.  My goal is go get outside, at least for a little bit, 5 days each week this month.  (I'm giving myself a little leeway because it's spring in St. Louis, which also means rain.)  Even if that means sitting on the porch reading my book, I'll do it.


  1. Fabulous choice!
    What did you get from Changing Hands? I got FORCE OF NATURE and lots of little doggie items. Hummm. Wonder what that means?

    1. The Code Girls, plus some other stuff. I will post about it soon!
