Saturday, November 7, 2009

Life is a Question Mark

Today I spent a lovely afternoon with L. The weather was stunning, especially considering it's November, and we got to spend some QT doing some fun stuff. We started off by having lunch at an outdoor table at Blues City Deli. She got the Chicken Shack Ranch sandwich, I got the Benton Park Po-Boy, and we split them. Brilliant move on our part, I must say; you get to taste more stuff that way. There was a live band playing -- you guessed it -- blues, which was a perfect addition to the meal.

After that, we went to the art museum and strolled through pretty much everything except the Japanese Screens exhibit. Is it sad that one of my favorite parts was our trip to the museum shop? They have some super-cool stuff there!

Anywho, by way of explanation regarding the title of this post, I need to say a little more about the day. When we arrived at the museum, we picked up a map. They've been doing some renovating (I love all the new paint colors!), so I wanted to figure out where I was going. The woman at the desk was explaining the layout to us, and started out by saying, "you're standing right here, at this question mark." She finished her explanation, and as we were turning to leave, L says to me something along the lines of, "I feel like it's often true in my life, that I'm standing at a question mark." Good point, L. I think a lot of people probably feel that way a lot of the time. Well said.


  1. Can we go to the Japanese screens when I'm in town for x-mas? I really want to see that.

  2. (I hate it when captchas aren't real words! Habboya? WTF, mate?)

  3. I know what you mean. I never know if I'm actually getting it right if it's not a real word!
