Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What I Watched -- D.O.A.

D.O.A. is another C-recommended old movie.  Two great things about old movies: 1) they're usually short; 2) camp.  This one was on TV on Tuesday afternoon, and I saw a few minutes of it while I was in C's office.  The backwards plot made it sound interesting enough to check out.

It starts out with Frank, our hero, going to the police station to report a murder.  "Who was murdered?" the homicide detective asks.  "I was."

Then Frank backs up and tells the story of how he came to be in San Francisco, and all the mysterious goings-on that had happened since his arrival, including the poisoned drink that would eventually be his undoing.

Bottom line: classic film noir -- worth having seen it once, but I probably won't watch it again.

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