Sunday, August 24, 2014

Goal #34

Goal #34: "Consider the benefits of an edited life."

I was going to start 2015 with this goal.  (Yes, I thought that far ahead.  Can you believe it?)  Each week of next year, my plan was to have a themed goal related to streamlining my life and cleaning up my apartment.  But, as I was talking to E while I was stuck in the Denver airport for hours and hours and hours, we concluded that you need to jump on these things when you're feeling motivated.  And since I'm feeling motivated right now, let's do it!  There's no time like the present.

I have decided (as you might recall) to stay in my little one-bedroom apartment for the time being.  There was an interview on NPR last spring with Graham Hill, who is the source for the above quote.  If you want to watch his TED Talk from 2011, it's available here.  I'm certainly not going to go to his extreme of cutting down to 420 square feet (yes, he really did that; you can see pictures of the super-functionality of his apartment here), and I will be keeping many of my books.  But he's got the right idea, anyway.

So, I guess for as long as it takes, each weekly goal will be tied to the general theme of getting my apartment and my stuff and my life in the condition that I want it to be in.  And by the end of 2015, hopefully I will have succeeded!  (That's more time that I had originally planned, but honestly less than I probably need!)  How will that success be measured?  Your guess is as good as mine, but I have time to figure it out.

Recap of goal #33: within the last week, I've worked up ideas for about 4 vacations between now and the end of the year.  Too ambitious?


  1. And where will said vacations occur?

    1. Options: WDC, NYC, Chicago, Colorado. Not necessarily in that order, but possibly! We should talk.

  2. I hope some of the trips will include me!!! I MISS YOU!!
    James & Jessie are getting married in May; don't know about Kristina & Alex. WDC is lovely in Spring and Fall, as you know!
