Friday, July 10, 2015

What I Watched -- Boyhood

Boyhood got such acclaim as a concept movie when if first came out that I can't believe I hadn't seen it until now.  I love this Linklaterean highbrow stuff.

I had been warned that not much happens in Boyhood.  That's true.  The plot is basically the passage of time.  So if you're not into that, it's probably not worth your time.

What I loved about it is that Linklater had this crazy idea, he got enough people to sign on and stick it out for twelve years to make it work, and the child actors (including his daughter) worked out!  With kids I think that would be a serious risk!

I have to wonder how much of where the movie went had to do with how those kids developed.  Maybe one or both of them didn't have the "look" he had planned on, so they had to rewrite the remainder of the script in order to fit the real person.  Was there even a script?  Before I watched the movie, I didn't know that Patricia Arquette's character (mom) and Ethan Hawke's character (dad) were separated, so that added an extra interesting layer for me, given my chosen profession.

Bottom line: intellectually interesting.  Don't plan to be on the edge of your seat.

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