Sunday, July 28, 2019

What I Watched -- A Star is Born

I was not that interested in seeing A Star is Born when it came out.  It seemed interesting enough, but movies in theaters are just not something that I make a lot of time for these days, so eventually my interest faded.

Then the movie soundtrack (really just "Shallow") hit the radio waves, which piqued my interest again.  But -- same story.  Just not enough time, and my interest faded again.

Recently, S and I were at the library perusing the DVD section, and there it was!  It was never going to be easier than this, so why not?

And I am so glad I picked it up!

I am hesitant to say too much about the film, other than the basic plot.  He's a famous star on the back end of his career; she's an up-and-comer just breaking into the industry.  They fall in love.  It's just two people who meet, over a shared interest, whose lives are on two separate trajectories.  The rest is the movie, and you should watch it without me spoiling it for you.

Also, though, the music!  I had listened to the entire soundtrack but wasn't terribly moved by it.  But then I saw the movie, and it gave so much more context to the songs that I want to go back and listen to them again.  It's certainly a codependent relationship -- without the music, the movie would have been just a boring story; without the movie, the music lacks depth.

Bottom line: I liked this way more than I expected to.  I hope you do, too.


  1. Just placed a hold request at my library!

  2. K and I saw it in a theater with stadium seats and waiters. We felt like we'd seen a movie AND attended a concert. The music definitely needs the movie (and vice-versa)!
