Sunday, January 31, 2021

Goals 2021 -- January Recap

It's about time that I had an unqualified success with one of my goals, don't you think?  But this month I did!

It was a bit of a joint effort.  I put together a list of workout ideas to rotate through so I didn't just alternate between biking and erging.  I was lamenting my lack of inspiration to Dad, who suggested that rather than just having a list of ideas, I write out a plan.  That way, like it or not, I knew what my task was for the day, rather than just looking at my list and feeling uninspired by any of them.  I got my calendar white board out and wrote out what was left of the month after he made this suggestion.

Other than one day in which I overslept and missed my erg session, I accomplished my workout every single day.  And even on that day of extra sleep, S pitched in to help me succeed too.  He and I took a walk at a nearby park and played a little bit of catch in the yard (which, for someone who used to play softball, I am embarrassingly bad at).

And that's how January because an unqualified success, and was fun too.

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