Saturday, November 13, 2010

Marathon Row

Today I rowed 26.2 miles with my former doubles parter, C! That is a long, long, looooong way. But at least I got a t-shirt to show for it :-)


  1. Dare I say are crazy! But at least you have a t-shirt to show for it. :)

  2. Actually, I guess since we rowed together yesterday, C is my current doubles partner. It's just that I don't get to row that often anymore.

  3. Wow! Are you too dizzy from rowing around and around and around the lake to be able to go to the film series (which looks awesome!)
    I personally can NOT BELIEVE I missed Maura O'Connell here in CH last night (was at a showing of Joseph Campbell's interviews with Bill Moyers THE POWER OF MYTH>> Mom
