Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tower Grove Farmer's Market

On Saturday, for the first time this season (woefully overdue, I know), I went to the Tower Grove farmers' market! (For the record, I'd like to point out their appropriate use of the apostrophe on "farmers'," unlike the commonly misspelled - but thought to be correct so you have to use it - "Father's Day.")  And T agreed to go with me - a first ever for him!

Anyway, it was a lovely day.  It had rained overnight so the grass in the park was wet, but it wasn't too miserably hot.  I scored tomatoes, hot dogs, eggs, two kinds of goat cheese, bread, spinach, and a delicious grilled cheese sandwich which became my lunch.

We also made a quick stop at Local Harvest Grocery, where I also succeeded: Reed's Original Ginger Brew and  Bell's Oberon Ale.  So much good stuff!

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