Tuesday, January 22, 2013


1. Is a bird in the hand worth two in the bush?  What if it's four in the bush?

2. Is it better to do the smart thing and be rich and maybe happy, or to do the fun thing and be poor and usually happy, but only able to do what you want when you can afford it?  Does your answer change if the smart thing is only temporary?  What if the fun thing is only temporary?

3. Is it ours to reason why?

4. What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?


  1. Okay, so that answers one question....

  2. "Only be able to do what you want when you can afford it . . ." Well, that depends on what you want to do and how much it costs. If you want to travel the world (not where you can stay for free) and buy expensive things or have greater financial security, then the money matters more. If your happiness comes from reading, watching, listening, walking, rowing, riding (inexpensive things), then the time is worth more than the money. Welcome to the crossroads, my dear.
