Monday, April 1, 2013

Goal #13

Goal #13: get back on the wagon.

The last two weeks have been a little crazy as far as life goes, so this week, I will get productive again.  Things to accomplish:
- Read my back issues (so far only two of them) of New York Magazine;
- Answer unanswered emails;
- Return phone calls;
- Put away clean laundry;
- Vacuum my apartment (the dog has been shedding like a maniac);
- Buy a car (or at least pick one out); and
- Go climbing.

That's a lot of things.  I'm probably aiming too high.  But c'est la vie.

Recap of goal #12: success, I guess, in that I didn't accomplish anything in particular, but do feel a little more together.


  1. Reason #447 that I am not a fan of Florida: you are required to purchase a new car and I am only informed of the reason a week and a half later and not by you! :( I feel lost.

  2. I tried to call you last weekend - you didn't answer!
