Sunday, April 7, 2013

Goal #14

Goal #14: set manageable goals.

Explain: I'm adjusting to my new and busier schedule.  And as much as I hate it, that means that I'll have to tone down the rate of "trying to get my life together" that I'm constantly working on (aka projects to get myself and my apartment organized).  That's a bummer, but it is what it is, I suppose.

Recap of goal #13: how did I do on my many things?  Let's see:

- Read my back issues (so far only two of them) of New York Magazine -- no, and in fact, I got one more
- Answer unanswered emails -- yes, some of them
- Return phone calls -- yes
- Put away clean laundry -- doing that in a minute
- Vacuum my apartment (the dog has been shedding like a maniac) -- doing that right after I put away the laundry
- Buy a car (or at least pick one out) -- done and done
- Go climbing -- yes

So, all in all, not a bad week.  Still failing on the reading front, and I'm sad about that.  But now that I have a car, hopefully that'll free up my upcoming Saturdays so I can do more fun and/or productive stuff.

Also, HUGE thanks to T who gave up three of his Saturdays to take me car shopping.

So, you wanna see it?


  1. Boo what? You better not be booing my new car!

  2. Purrrfeck for R the Superdog, bikes, and "the country"... you can come see me too! (or we can meet halfway?)

  3. I AM booing your car! It's not even a car, it's a behemoth. What is it?

  4. It's a Grand Cherokee, and I'm not sure your opinion matters here, Mister. I hear nothing from you for months and this is the first thing you want to say?

  5. The Grand Chero-KEE is indeed a family tradition. Just think, in a pinch you could tow a Boeing NightmareLiner from airport to airport, thus solving the problem of those pesky "Chernobyl" brand battery packs ;o)

  6. You could tow a boat trailer with it! And drive to P's cabin! And carry lots of things! And live in it on the riverfront! And be safe from crazy drivers (like me)! And run over stuff (like J)!
