Sunday, April 14, 2013

Goal #15

Goal #15: All the little things.  Again.

Despite yesterday's productivity, today was kind of a bust in that department, so I will again spend this week catching up, but at least I'm laying out specific tasks! Here they are:

Write and mail two cards;
(Start and) finish the meeting minutes that are two weeks overdue;
Buy baby gifts for two showers;
Send recipes in lieu of attendance at wedding shower;
Apply to refinance my car loan;
Deal with the idiots at the dealership when my paperwork doesn't show up because they mailed it to the wrong address;
Deal with the bank that has my first loan because I'm sure they've mailed my paperwork to the wrong address also;
Investigate the purchase of a new cell phone;
If I get far enough in the investigative process, purchase and set up new phone.

Can I accomplish all that?  Not likely.

Recap of goal #14: did you catch that I didn't really set a goal for myself this week?  Good job, astute readers!  I didn't, because I had failed at so many recently that I had some catching up to do!  But yesterday was a pretty productive day -- took R the Wonderdog for a long walk and (much to his chagrin) performed some desperately-needed grooming, cleaned my kitchen, rode my bike to work and home again (without getting in any actual productivity at my desk), did about 300 loads of laundry, swapped out some winter clothes for summer stuff, cooked a bit, and enjoyed my wonderful shower.

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