Saturday, February 22, 2014

St. Louis's Best Bread Puddings

A while back, on the Tuesday of my week of spectacular fun, I went to dinner with P at Jimmy's.

We had planned on getting together to catch up, and it had to be Jimmy's because of a couple of things that had happened on evenings just prior to that.  Saturday night, after The Other Place, a few members of our crew headed over to Cyrano's for some post-show drinks (a New Fashioned for me) and dessert.  I tasted lots of different desserts, but the one I ordered for myself (actually to share with C) was the caramel brioche bread pudding.  An excellent choice!

The following night, Uncle J was in town and he took G&G, A, and me out to dinner at Harvest. Everything was delicious and I managed to save some room for dessert.  As I was perusing the menu and considering something chocolatey, the waiter said, "you have to try our bread pudding - we're famous for it!"  Okay then.  It was also a caramel bread pudding, and very similar to what I had the night before, and just as delicious.

So, this brings me back to Jimmy's.  The reason I needed to go there was to complete the trifecta of the town's best bread puddings.  Jimmy's wins the award for thinking out of the box.  Their pudding is a croissant bread pudding with chocolate and some type of fruit in it.  And rather than the caramel sauce, they opt for a creme anglaise.  A very different flavor, but I think it might be my favorite.

Try them for yourself and see what you think!

1 comment:

  1. I love bread pudding soooooo much ;)
    Remember when I came back from India and the first thing I wanted to do was go get bread pudding at Jimmy's?
