Monday, April 21, 2014

What i'm Reading Now -- 84, Charing Cross Road

C had a party on Friday night, and probably my favorite thing to do when I'm at someone's house for the first time is to peruse their bookshelves.  I left the party at the end of the night with two books.  Incidentally, both of the books belonged to C's wife.  He had read one of them.  Not this one.

As 84, Charing Cross Road is the shorter of the two, I decided to start there.  I know nothing about it, but it looked interesting and caught my attention on the shelf (probably due in no small part to the fact that the titular address is in London), and that's a good start for a book.

Because as we all know, we judge books by their covers.


  1. I just read that a few weeks ago! It was a heartwarmer!

  2. Why is my comment here, but on the post it says "No comments"? Fail, Blogger, fail.

    1. Apparently all Blogger needed was another comment to decide that it liked you.
