Thursday, November 12, 2015

What I Watched -- The Martian

My boyfriend, Matt Damon, is hilarious. In his latest movie, The Martian, he plays an astronaut botanist named Mark Watney who gets stranded on Mars because the rest of his crew believes him to be dead.

The film is adapted from the 2011 book of the same name by Andy Weir.  He self-published his book on Amazon, with a list price of $0.99, and it took off like wildfire.  It made the Amazon sci-fi bestsellers list, the New York Times bestseller list, and got a movie deal.  But his exhaustive research and reader contributions began before that.  Weir began publishing chapters of his book on his blog in 2009, and his science-minded readers helped him make sure the science was accurate.

But it's not boring, at least not in the movie.  (By all accounts, it's not boring in the book either.)  As Mark Watney, Matt Damon is funny and smart, and that makes the movie worth watching even if you're not a hardcore sci-fi fan, which I'm not.

Bottom line: everyone should go support my boyfriend!  Because he's awesome!

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