Thursday, January 31, 2019

Goals 2019 -- January Recap

K and I had very active Januarys (Januaries?)!

Here's K's report on her month of yoga:

When M and I started talking about New Year’s Resolutions (though I think we both managed to avoid using this phrase), part of my hesitation was that those resolutions never stick. But, when she suggested that we try similar goals to hold each other accountable and then make it public on a blog, part of me thought, “with her by my side, I can do anything” and part of me thought, “the shame of public exposure will keep me on track if nothing else will.”

Now, you all know how busy M is. She’s about 1000 times busier than anyone else I know. So, I (basically) thought to myself, “her suggestion will be reasonable and manageable because she doesn’t have a lot of free time.” And then, M texted and (basically and completely unreasonably) said, “how about 25 workouts this month?” I balked. I texted back to tell her I wasn’t sure I was up for it. I did the math with J and he agreed. She was being unreasonable. And then insanity hit, and I texted back and said, “I’m in.”

Almost the next day, a YouTube channel I’ve been watching offered a 30 day practice for the New Year, so I signed up to add to my motivation. I also convinced a friend of mine to try yoga with me so that I would have a local partner to encourage me to go to the studio on a regular basis.

As the month began, I started going to the studio more regularly because I knew I was going to be held accountable. I made yoga the priority again, which meant leaving work in a timely fashion every day so that I could get home and get to the studio. That worked pretty well for the first week and a half or so, and then reality hit. Things popped up at work that kept me longer, but, not to be deterred, I used my YouTube sessions to keep myself on track. And when I’d fall behind in my count, I’d do one studio session and one home session to keep myself on target. J says that doesn’t count, but I think it does because the goal was to do more yoga, and this month I did more yoga than I’ve done in the last few months. Call it cheating, call it creativity, or call it determination, but I made it to the end of the month with 26 yoga sessions completed! And, I never would have done it if it weren’t for M and her faithful readers. Thanks guys!

For my part, a smaller percentage of my workouts than I expected were erging workouts, but there are a few reasons for that.  The first is that, because of the number of workouts I had to hit, I needed to add weekend workouts, and those are never erging.  (Incidentally, my weekend yoga workouts were from the same YouTube channel that K was watching, though neither of us knew of the coincidence at the time!)  Second, C and I decided we need to do more weight lifting than we have in winters past, so even some of the weekday workouts that previously would have been erging now are not.  And third, C went out of town on a ski trip this month, so I had to come up with some make-up workouts while he was gone, because erging alone is no fun.  Despite all those setbacks, I managed to get 26 workouts in too!

Here's what my month looked like:
Interesting that all my days off are in the second half of the week...

We did it!

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