Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Complain, Complain, Complain

I'm not sure what it is, but I'm just in a funk these days. I'm not my normal upbeat self. I'm sick of erging every morning, I'm sick of the short days (although they are getting longer!), I'm sick of trying to find new health and car and renter's insurance; I'm sick of trying to find a gym, I'm sick of having a big pile of stuff on my desk I can't seem to get through, I'm sick of desperately needing to finish cleaning my apartment but never having time for it... The list goes on.

Bottom line: I need some serious motivation. And some of these things need to actually start happening! Because there's definitely a momentum element to all of this, and right now, I have no momentum. But once I get some, hopefully I'll just steamroll through everything that's hanging over my head.


1 comment:

  1. 1.) Join a gym and do yoga instead of erging. This will solve 2 problems in 1! :)
    2.) Can't do anything about the short days, so just keep remembering that they are getting longer.
    3.) Hire me to clean your apartment! You can get the free-for-family discount.
